Our Big Idea…

...is to create an Architecture firm that specialises in residential Irish Architecture. Any form of building design is enjoyable to us, but we absolutely love the housing sector. This includes all house types apartment living, hostels, hotels, care facilities and any building where a person would spend a day and wish to feel refreshed. We find designing home spaces to be very rewarding, intimate and with the enormous potential to positively impact on and change people’s lives. Imagine waking up everyday to bright-filled spaces, with everything you need to hand and views to boost your mood? Everyday can feel like a holiday experience in an Architect designed house. That’s what we like to do, we create spaces designed to enhance your every moment.

We realise our idea may be a bit of a risky business model, as things stand many people still prefer not to choose Architects for their Residential Projects. But, we feel we’d like to try to change that. We believe as Architects that we have something very special to offer the housing sector in Ireland.


3 Things People often wonder about when hiring an Architect…


1. The Irish Planning system can be quite restrictive and onerous. Is the planning system a gamble and if so is it not better to get a cheap design from a non-Architect?

Response: Years ago, this did happen. But nowadays, local authorities (County Councils) are more aware on the visual impact of housing (or any development) on an area, be it a town or the rural countryside. Planners are far more to likely approve a well designed house, which sits well into its surroundings and is visually pleasing to the area. We work hard to present detailed and comprehenisive applications to the local Authorites to show how the design works with the site and within the general area. There is no limit to the amount of detail you can submit. We tell a story about you and your project and provide a solution to every forseeable challenge. We have come to realise that well considered, worked out, planning applications, have better chance of approval.


3. Are Architect Fees affordable?

Response: Yes, we make sure our service is both afforadable and competitive with other service providers in our area, because we wish to work in our very important local market.

Aside from affordability; Choosing to have an Architect design your home can be a very unique and satisfying journey. Our service is designed for the customer experience as well as the daily end user experince. We engage on topics about style, interior deisgn, the feeling of a house and the function. This is a very engaging service. We will consider suitable places for your slippers, coffee maker, and everything else. We spend lots of time and energy and every job, getting to know you and your site. Every single house is unique and tailored to meet and exceed your expectations.


Karen Louise Feeney

Director, MRIAI Architect,

Conservation, Architect Grade 3

Who Am I?….

Architecture and construction have always been part of my life. I grew up looking at buildings with my father, a building consultant, problem solver and designer. He has been a huge inspiration to me and a wealth of information. I started my career at DIT Bolton St. studying Architectural Technology. I hugely enjoyed the work at college but knew deep down, that I would prefer to be an Architect, designing spaces and making people’s lives better. So after two years of work experience in NMA Dublin, I went on to study five more years at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA earning a Bachelor of Architecture. My first personal construction project was a beautiful historical townhouse in the quaint and energetic Queen Village, of Philadelphia city centre. With the help of a few wonderful friends and a team of excellent tradespeople, we rebuilt this beautiful large period city building into my home. From this personal project, I quickly learned about the importance of good project management. I made sure I had drawings and decisions made quickly for every step. Being onsite throughout the process showed me exactly how everything was done. I got real hands-on construction experience, working with concrete, framing, plastering, building stairs, tiling, etc. Since then, I completed three others of my own building projects.

Throughout my career, I have worked with many brilliant mentors, such as the Dublin team at Newenham Mulligan Architects, Joe Pacitti, a Developer and Architect Leonard Ciccotello both from PRA Developments, Philadelphia, and Tony Weber of Weber and Company Architects, Philadelphia.

Today, as an established Architect I use all their teachings in my own practice as I focus on connecting the interior of a building with the exterior and designing it to suit its unique users and site, taking full advantage of the entire site, surrounding environment and orientation.

I believe that Architecture is the process of liberating a site’s true potential and beauty, so it can purposefully serve the people who will use it in a unique and individual way. This process naturally leads to stunning buildings, responding to their settings, that are energy conscious, user friendly and have sustainable design solutions.



Will an Architect designed home cost more to build?

Response: No, in fact we have come to see first hand that the opposite is true. Using an Architect is the best value you can get for your investment. In our business as designers on existing buildings, we often come across non-architect houses that were drawn up to be “easy projects”, but ended up impractical, dark, cold and with no storage internally. Size and budget should never restrict the end product. With a little thought, simple Architecture should be both affordable and easily constructed. In working this way, we can design a building for any and every budget, this is our focus.


Team Members


Shyamalima Buragohain

Graduate Architect, Urban Designer

B. Arch, MSc. UD&P


We are: Designers. Innovators. Dreamers. Creators.